Installing Respondus Lockdown browser on Chromebook


Install Respondus Lockdown Browser on Chromebook:

To install the new extension to a student-owned Chromebook, you will need to use the LockDown Browser installation link found on your Canvas course page. The LockDown Browser installation link will direct you to the Chrome web store, at which point you should select “Add to Chrome” to install the LockDown Browser Extension.

Below is a video explaining the install process:

Troubleshoot Ideas:

If you are using a Chromebook to take a quiz in Canvas, and get taken to a page that says "Respondus LockDown Browser Required," this means one of the following is true:


1: Your Chromebook may be out of date. Verify that your Chromebook is up to date

a:  At the bottom right, select the time and then Settings .

b. At the bottom left, select About ChromeOS.

c: Under "Google ChromeOS," find your Chromebook operating system version

d: To update to the latest version, select Check for updates.

e: If this option isn't available, your Chromebook may be up to date. If your Chromebook finds a software update, it will start to download automatically.

2: That you might not yet have installed the LockDown Browser Chromebook extension or it's not currently enabled.  

a: Enter the following in the URL address bar in Chrome: Chrome://extensions/
b: Locate the LockDown Browser Chrome Extension. If you don't see it listed, it's not installed. 
c: Ensure the LockDown Browser for Chromebook extension is enabled (toggled "on" with the slider all the way to the right.)
d: Once you do all the above, try again to take your exam.

3: Cookies are interfering with the LockDown Browser extension being recognized as installed on your Chromebook. If so, you'll want to clear out all cookies and cache on your Chromebook.  

a: Enter the following in the URL address bar in Chrome: Chrome://settings/clearBrowserData
b: Select "All time" for Time Range
c: Select "Cookies and other site data," then click the "clear data" button.
d: Then attempt your exam again.

If the above doesn't work, clear all site data:

a: Enter the following in the URL address bar in Chrome: chrome://settings/siteData
b: Click the "Remove All" button to delete all leftover cookies and site data. A pop-up window may appear, asking you to confirm. Click the "clear all" button in this pop-up.
c: Restart your Chromebook, then log into Canvas, and navigate first to your course, then to "quizzes" (or relevant module) and try to take your quiz.

Other Options:

  1.  You can come to the library and use the computers in the CAI computer lab. There are a few computers with Respondus Browser installed on them. These computers are labeled.
  2. You can also come to the library to borrow a 4-hour laptop rental. These are Windows laptops that have the Respondus Browser installed. Just come to the Circulation Desk for more information.
  3. You can also come the computer lab for the techs to troubleshoot with your Chromebook.


  • Last Updated Mar 11, 2025
  • Views 3
  • Answered By Geoffrey Law

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