How to Search? … PROQUEST Databases: Introduction and Search Tutorials
Proquest Databases
ProQuest databases provide access to magazine, journal and newspaper articles.
The Proquest database Interactive Video Tutorial Modules (Bottom of FAQ) introduce the Graphical User Interface (GUI) WorkFlow researchers utilize to conduct academic research. Cerritos College Library subscribes to the following Proquest interface databases.
- Suggested Library Database: Proquest - US Major Dailies (1980 - Current)
Database synopsis: Full-text of major U.S. newspapers including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, & Los Angeles Times.
- Suggested Library Database: Proquest - Ethnic NewsWatch
Ethnic NewsWatch, the current file, covers 1990 to present and includes newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press, providing researchers access to essential, often overlooked perspectives. The publications offer both national and regional coverage. Ethnic NewsWatch™ is the only current database devoted to presenting multi-ethnic and multi-cultural publications in one resource. Coverage begins in 1990 and is updated daily with new content. Many of the titles are not found in any other aggregated resource.
Ethnic NewsWatch: A History™, the historical file covering the years 1959-1989, offers a rare collection of over 30 full-text titles, focusing on African American, Hispanic American, and Native American presses from 1959-1989. Unique perspectives are presented on the most important issues concerning ethnicities and minorities in the U.S. and Canada during the pivotal years of the 1960's, 1970's, and 1980's.
- Suggested Library Database: Proquest - GenderWatch
Database synopsis: ProQuest's full-text collection of publications that focus on the impact of gender across a broad spectrum of subject areas. Includes academic and scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, regional publications, books, booklets, and government and non-governmental organization special reports.
- Search all 7 Proguest databases at once.
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Interactive Tutorial - Basic Search Module (Closed Caption)
Objectives of this session: Create searches using keywords and limiters from the Basic Search screen; select specific databases to search; and recall where to find ProQuest Platform search tips. Duration: 7 minutes.
Launch ProQuest Platform Basic Search Interactive Tutorial
ProQuest Platform Basic Search Session Transcript (Right Click Save-As)
Interactive Tutorial - Search Strategy Tips Module (Closed Caption)
Objectives of this session: Incorporate search syntax into queries; Employ logical operators and proximity to focus a search query; Use truncation to efficiently incorporate word variations in a search. Duration: 7 minutes.
Launch ProQuest Platform Search Strategy Tips Interactive Tutorial
ProQuest Platform Search Strategy Tips Session Transcript (Right Click Save-As)
For more Proquest Interactive Tutorial Modules covering Publication Search, Advanced Search refer to the Proquest LibGuide.
Content adapted by Librarian M. Carrillo Spr. 2024
Source: Searching the Proquest Databases - Vendor Videos (LibGuide)
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