How can I renew library materials?


You can renew your books or other materials by clicking on the Library Catalog link, then click Sign in which you will see in the upper right of the screen.

You might be asked for a username/password. Use the same username/password that you use to sign in to Canvas.

Once you have signed in successfully, you will see your name in the upper right corner.  Click the arrow next to your name and select Loans from the drop down menu.

You will now be able to see the books you have checked out to determine which ones can be renewed.

Click the blue Renew icon on the left side of the book to renew.

You may renew library materials twice. However, if an item has a hold, it can't be renewed.

Most books can be borrowed for 3-weeks and can be renewed twice. Reserve books will check-out for 4 hours and cannot be renewed.

Materials may also be renewed by telephone via 562-860-2451 x2424

Return of Materials

Books may be returned to the outside book drop located next to the library front entrance (Near the Contact-Free Lockers).

Note: Reserve materials  should be returned to the CIRC desk to avoid fines (Library Fine Policy).

LibGuide Source

  • Last Updated Feb 22, 2024
  • Views 578
  • Answered By Marco Carrillo

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